Improve your river karma come join us on a river clean up!

Contact us for details

- Saturday, April

- Sunday, September 27th

We are proud to support the Chilliwack Vedder River Cleanup Coalition.

Good Clean Fun Tee Shirts

$15.00 Contact us to order




Courses - Introductory

Introductory Courses - $250.00

Beginner courses start in mid-spring and are designed for the student with little or no kayaking experience. This two day introduction to whitewater kayaking is designed to teach you the fundamentals of paddling, first on flatwater then progressing to moving water.

Day One

Begins with waivers, handouts, and a kayaking video. We then head out to the lake and Purple Hayes School of Kayaking provides you with whitewater kayaks and equipment (including, wet suit, helmet, life jacket, paddling jacket, spray deck, paddle, and boat). Techniques covered include entry, wet exits, basic strokes, and T-rescues. Near the end of the day the roll is introduced.

Day Two

River safety is emphasized while the skills introduced on the first day are reinforced. Students will learn eddy turns, ferries, river safety and signals while being challenged on a gentle section of the Chilliwack River.

Course sizes are limited. Register now to ensure your spot


May 4,5 Full

May 25,26

June 1,2 Full

June 15,16 FULL

June 29,30 Full

July 20,21 Parking fees in affect FULL

Aug10,11 Parking fees in affect FULL

Aug 24,25 Parking fees in affect FULL

Sept 7,8 Full

Sept 21,22 Water level dependant Taking resevations will determine water levels in Sept


Parking fees not included in course fees and may apply to other course dates not mentioned above.



FOLLOWUP PROGRAM To master these techniques and build a network of paddlers who have similar skill levels students are welcome to take the course again as many times as they like for the price of rentals only.

PREREQUISITE: Must be comfortable in water and desire to have fun!